The College’s Incident Action Plan (IAP) is a procedural document intended to provide a pre-planned action to unexpected or disastrous events that may occur on or near the campus.
The safety of our students, employees and public are our first concern with consideration given to protecting and restoring our property, operations, and the environment.
The Director of Public Safety is the person most likely to become aware of an emergency situation; therefore, initially, he will act as the Incident Commander. Depending on the nature of the incident, another member of the IAG may be designated by the Executive Director as the Incident Commander.
Upon receiving the report of an emergency, the Director of Public Safety or designee will make an initial judgment about the level of response required and will communicate with appropriate personnel as outlined in the plan.
If necessary, the College’s Incident Action Group (IAG) will convene in the designated Incident Action Center to manage the College’s action to the incident.