Know How to Get Emergency Help

  • On or near Campus (Lafayette Public Safety) – (610) 330-4444
  • Off Campus – 911 


  • Keep the emergency phone numbers near your phones.
  • Program emergency phone numbers into your personal cell phone.
  • Learn where the campus emergency (Blue Light) telephones are located on campus and how to use them.
  • Learn where other emergency telephones are located throughout campus (elevators, inside buildings etc.).
  • Subscribe to the Lafayette Leopard Alerts System on campus.
  • Plan a safe route to your destination; choose well-lighted pathways and streets.
  • Immediately report suspicious persons, unusual acts and suspicious bags or packages.

Walking Around Campus

  • Avoid alleyways or “short cuts” through isolated areas.
  • Share your class schedule with your parents and trusted friends and give them your telephone numbers.
  • Use the campus escort or shuttle services.
  • If you are being followed, head toward a populated area and call the police. Note the description of the person following you.
  • Tell a friend or roommate where you are going and what time you expect to return.
  • Stay alert to your surroundings and the people around you.

In the Residence Halls

  • Always lock your door, even when you’re sleeping or just going down the hall.
  • Do not allow strangers to enter your room. Do not open your door unless you can identify the person seeking entry.
  • Do not let unknown individuals “tailgate” when entering your building. Ask who they are visiting and offer to call Public Safety.
  • Do not prop any exterior doors open to allow unescorted visitors into the residence hall (food delivery, friends, etc.).
  • Report any malfunctioning locks, doors or windows to your residence life staff.
  • Do not leave your keys lying around in your room when you are not in the room.
  • Do not leave messages on your door about when you will be returning to your room.
  • Tell a roommate or friend if you are planning to be away overnight.
  • Immediately report any suspicious persons or activities (including solicitors) in or near your residence hall to your residence hall staff or Public Safety.
  • Secure your valuables in a lock box.
  • Always lock your doors and windows at night, especially if you reside on the first or second floors.
  • Do not leave your identification, keys, wallets, checkbooks, or other valuables in open view.
  • Get to know your RA, residence life staff and neighbors.
  • Photocopy the identity page, any visa pages and I-94 form in your passport and keep them in a separate place.

Off-Campus Housing

  • If you reside in housing that is located within the College Hill neighborhood, here are safety tips when you prepare to leave on a daily basis or for long periods.
  • Use timers on lights, radios, televisions etc. and set them to go on and off to make your home appear occupied.
  • When you plan to be away ask a trusted friend, neighbor or your landlord to watch your home and contact police if they notice any suspicious activity.
  • Close blinds or drapes to ensure that larger electronics and valuables are not visible from the outside.
  • Lock all windows and doors before you leave.
  • Check smoke detectors to make sure they are in working order.
  • Be alert and aware as you travel through the community.
  • Immediately report any suspicious activity to the police.  If off campus, call the City of Easton Police immediately by dialing 911. If on or around campus, call Lafayette Police by dialing 4444 from a campus phone or (610) 330-4444 from a non-campus phone.
  • If you return home and notice signs that your property has been entered, immediately go to a safe location and contact the police.

Motor Vehicle Safety

  • Park in well lighted areas, where your vehicle is visible. Avoid parking next to vans or trucks.
  • Keep all valuables out of sight, including GPS, satellite radios, and their accessories.
  • Keep your vehicle locked at all times.

Walking Off Campus

  • Go with a known companion if possible.
  • Travel in groups.
  • Carry identification.
  • Avoid secluded or dimly lighted areas.
  • If you’re being followed, head toward a populated area; keep looking back and get a good description of the person and call the police.
  • If you’re still being followed, go to the nearest house or business and call the Police.
  • Carry your cell phone to summon help.
  • Do not wear headphones/earphones for a cell phone, etc. Be aware of your surroundings.

Theft Protection

  • Never leave your purse, wallet, bags, electronics, or valuables unattended; store them out of sight. Be especially careful with your credit cards, which are very popular items among thieves because they are easy to steal and then use again. Consider obtaining a credit card with your photo imprinted on it.
  • Laptops and other electronics are primary targets of theft. Consider purchasing a locking or tracking device.
  • Keep a list of all items and serial numbers in a safe place.

Dating Safety

  • Trust your instincts. Check out a first date or blind date with friends first. Better yet, go with other friends on your first date.
  • Always have a plan to get yourself home. Carry money for a taxi or public transportation in case your date is cut short. Bring a cell phone also.
  • Don’t worry about being polite if someone is not respecting you. Be forceful, firm and assertive.
  • If you go out with other friends, don’t get separated; watch out for each other.
  • Do not lose self control or impair your judgment through the use or abuse of alcohol or drugs.
  • “No” means “NO.” It does not mean maybe.

Computer Scams

  • Computer phishing is a crime. Phishers attempt to fraudulently acquire credit card details and other sensitive personal data via bogus emails and other methods. It may look like a legitimate email from a legitimate institution, but beware of unsolicited requests for information.
  • Financial or payment institutions will never request that you send them personal sensitive data via email.
  • If you receive a suspicious looking email from any bank, lending, or payment institution, it is best to delete and not respond. If, by coincidence, you have an account with the entity mentioned in the email, call your legitimate institution using the number on your physical bill.
  • Do not call the number that may be listed in the bogus email and do not click on any link listed in the bogus email.
  • Here is a resource from our Technology Team about Phishing and Other Fraudulent Email Practices

REMEMBER; a safe campus is everyone’s responsibility.