In the age of technology, more and more electronics are being used campus-wide and globally. To prevent e-waste from this technology from ending up in the landfill, the Public Safety Environmental Health and Safety, IT Department, Sustainability Department and Facilities have joined together in a group effort to address requests for an Electronic Waste Recycling.

Definition of an Electronic Waste

The term used to describe used electronics that are no longer functional and are either discarded, donated, or recycled.  E-waste can be hazardous because it may contain materials like lead and mercury. If not disposed of and recycled properly, e-waste can threaten the environment and human health. Click here for the full Public Safety Standard Operating Procedure. Each department should select a centralized location for Electronic Waste pick up, it should be accessible for facilities operations to access.  College owned items eligible for this program include the below. To ensure all waste is recycled properly if you have purchased the item from IT contact them before completing the below form.

  • Televisions
  • Monitors
  • Tablets (reset to factory setting)
  • Laptops (hard drive removed)
  • Printers
  • VCR
  • Gaming Equipment
  • Radios
  • Medical Equipment
  • Cameras
  • Calculators
  • Speakers
  • Batteries
  • Chargers

Requests for electronic waste pick up can be made by Using the Lafayette College Electronic Waste Pick Up Request Form.

For personal electronic waste click here for additional information.

If you have questions regarding pick up of you electronic waste you can contact Public Safety Environmental, Health and Safety at