
  • Vehicle has No Valid Parking Permit – $50
  • Parked in a Handicapped Parking Space – $100
  • Not parked in a legal parking space – $20
  • Parking in reserved, designated lot or parking space – $20
  • Yellow Zone (+ tow charges) – $25
  • Red Zone (+tow charges) – $50
  • Unregistered Vehicle License Plate Look Up – $50
  • Vehicle Backed in, no visible plate – $20
  • Parked in a charging space (more than 4 hours or not charging) $25
  • Warning issued – $0

$20   Late fee for unpaid tickets over 30 days


Public Safety is responsible for the enforcement of the Lafayette College Motor Vehicle and Traffic Regulations. Parking is enforced at all times, including summer and breaks. All vehicles on campus are subject to parking enforcement including employees, students and contractors.

All persons operating motor vehicles on the campus are expected to cooperate with officers employed by the College whose duties include traffic and parking control.

Parking violation tickets will be issued to vehicles illegally or improperly parked. The owner/operator of a ticketed vehicle is responsible for its disposition as directed on the reverse side of the copy. Any ticket not paid within 30 days is subject to a $20 late fee. Failure to comply with guidelines will result in disciplinary action taken; i.e., the withholding of grades or transcripts, denial of registration for classes, etc.

In certain circumstances vehicles maybe subject to tow at the owners/drivers expense.

Additionally, there will be disciplinary referrals to the Office of Dean of Students for:

  • Any student who is cited for parking on campus without having registered their vehicle.
  • Any student who accumulates five or more unpaid tickets.
  • Any student who is cited for illegally parking in a handicapped parking space two or more times.
  • If the student continues to incur parking violations after being notified in writing, the student will be referred to the Office of Dean of Students for disciplinary action.  If the student subsequently receives additional tickets during that semester, parking privileges may be revoked for the following semester. Continuing to receive tickets after being revoked may result in immediate revocation of parking privileges and escalating probation could occur.
  • Vehicles bearing state-issued handicapped license plates/hang-tags may use handicap spaces. Parking in a handicap parking space cannot be appealed unless the above criteria are met.
  • Unidentified violator’s vehicles license plates will be looked up through a state data to determine ownership. Owners/drivers in violation will be contacted and held responsible for payments of initial fines and license plate tracing cost.

Tow-Away Policy: Vehicles parked in Red Fire Tow-Away Zones will be ticketed and an automatic fine of $50, plus towing cost and daily storage cost will be assessed. Also, any vehicle that is parked in such a manner as to obstruct campus roadways or sidewalks may be towed. Any vehicle parked on campus in a manner that creates a hazard or impedes traffic flow may be towed at the discretion of the Public Safety office. Abandoned vehicles may be towed at the discretion of Public Safety. Owners/operators of illegally parked vehicles towed from the campus are responsible for the payment of towing fees and storage fees.

In the event your vehicle is towed from the campus, contact Public Safety to obtain information regarding its recovery. The tow-away policy is in effect 24 hours a day, seven days a week.


The purpose of the Lafayette College Motor Vehicle and Traffic Regulations are to assure:

  • maximum safety and protection of life and property on Lafayette College roads and walkways;
  • maximum use of campus roadways and parking facilities for Lafayette College students, staff, and visitors; and
  • access to all parts of the campus for service and emergency vehicles.

The operation of motor vehicles on campus roadways and the registering of motor vehicles for the purpose of obtaining parking permits to park in College-controlled parking lots, are to be considered privileges and not rights of individuals.  Lafayette College reserves the right to deny or revoke such privileges at any time to any and all persons who fail to adhere to these regulations.

Vehicle Registration

Anyone, including employees, contractor or students who have possession of a motor vehicle while attending classes or working at Lafayette must register that vehicle on-line with Public Safety within 24 business hours after arrival on campus regardless of where it will be parked. Students possession of a motor vehicle is interpreted as extending from the time the student arrives in the Easton area for the purpose of assuming student status until he or she legally becomes the responsibility of his or her parents or guardian after leaving the campus.

The  student fee charged for registration and a parking assignment on Lafayette College property is $500 per academic year. Based on availability,  students will be assigned on-campus if your housing assignment is on campus.  Spaces are limited and parking is not guaranteed. Full-time commuting students are required to register and pay $500 per academic year.  Part-time commuting students must register their vehicle through the AIMS Lafayette College Website for a parking permit.  No registration fee is charged. Students residing one or more miles from the campus are considered commuting students.

Students residing in off-campus housing, either in College-owned or privately-owned apartments, may park on city streets only if they register their vehicles with the Department of Public Safety and pick up a sticker from the City of Easton. Campus registration fee is not charged to off-campus students; however, these students do not have the privilege of parking in on-campus lots unless they purchase a Temporary Student parking permit.  Only 2 Temporary parking permits will be permitted per academic year.

Students who are not eligible to bring motor vehicles to the Easton area will be subject to fines and disciplinary action if they bring motor vehicles to the area. Lafayette College remains free of all liability for loss of the vehicle registered and the loss of any of its contents and for damages to the vehicle except that caused by Lafayette College equipment under the direct control of Lafayette College agents and employees. All students will be held responsible for the violations of any vehicle registered to any members of their immediate families or their guests. Overnight visitors must obtain a free temporary permit through the AIMS Lafayette College Website. Daytime visitors may use the top level of Markle Parking Deck, a visitor parking pass can be obtained through the AIMS Lafayette College Website.


  • Parking assignments are enforced 24 hours a day, and each registrant is expected to park where he/she is assigned. If your assigned lot is full report the condition immediately to the Department of Public Safety Parking and Transportation at 610-330-5851 and park in one of the parking decks while your lot is being investigated. Two- or three-wheeled motorized vehicles may be parked only in specific parking areas on campus and may be driven only on specific campus roads.
  • while charging your vehicle in a charging space, your vehicle must be moved within 4 hours or sooner if charging is complete.
  • At no time may vehicles be parked in unauthorized and prohibited areas such as Red Fire Tow-Away Zones, Yellow No Parking Zones,  on lawns, bricks and walkways, or in a manner that constitutes double parking, the blocking of walkways, roadways, or fire hydrants.
  • At no time may vehicles park in any parking spaces marked reserved or with a sign stating the parking is used for a specific purpose (Faculty residence, Bailey Health, Facilities Operations, Public Safety Emergency Vehicles Only, Reserved or VIP parking only, Van Parking are all examples)
  • Lafayette College reserves the right to alter parking assignments on a permanent or temporary basis when new construction, events (home football games), major repairs, and emergency situations require such changes.
  • No persons shall abandon a motor vehicle of any kind on College property. Should any vehicle parked on campus become disabled, the owner/driver of that vehicle shall report the condition to the Department of Public Safety immediately. Vehicles requiring repairs shall be tended to by the owner/driver within 24 hours. Vehicles parked under the above-stated regulations for more than 48 hours will be towed away and stored at the expense of the owner/driver.